Are We Fearing the Unknown or Anticipating the Good?

On Saturday, March 4, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his inaugural address, “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” The resistance of the human soul to work through those dark issues and then triumph in the arena of everyday issues that come our way.

In a comment on understanding Franklin’s speech, Sudip Gupta paraphrases this quote by saying: “The only thing one has to fear is the dark thoughts lying in the mind.” A Google search tells us that there are 112 references telling us to not be afraid. Jesus tells us clearly in Matt 6 (the Sermon on the Mount) to not worry at least six times in that one chapter.

This idea of fear holding us back from our good has been part of countless motivational speeches and in the biographies of famous people who have created wonderful things for our culture by keeping on and keeping on in their careers.

So, what are we doing today? Fear is everywhere, fear of disease, crime, Republicans, Democrats, recession, inflation, etc. etc. We are being controlled and hiding in our bunkers to avoid the fears that have been heaped up and thrown at us from many sources. It is time to break free and be the spiritual warrior that overcomes the fears and steps into the Light that you/we/they are.

The tools that are required to break free are spiritual tools. These tools are not understood by everyone at this time, only those that understand who they are and are committed to the path will embrace and follow the spiritual ideas. The question becomes, do you really know who you are and are you committed to the path of return?

This Sunday we will look at the ideas and tools that can support us in returning to our True Self as a Child of God. Be with us in person or online and review the message for the day on our website or at

I Love you...

Rev. Robert