I Walk in Grace and Peace Today

This title "I walk in grace and peace today.",  is the title for this Sunday, October 22, 2023, from the Unity Daily Word booklet. I felt the words were appropriate for now. It reads:

I give thanks for the activity of God in my life that appears as grace.  This divine gift manifests and the beauty of the world and the people in it and as the comforting presence of God within and around me each day.
I do not have to do anything to earn grace because it does not result from my attitude or actions.  It flows from the infinite love of God within every person and surrounding every circumstance.  It is the indwelling presence that sustains me in challenging times and lifts me in good times.
I accept grace with gratitude when I have stumbled along life's path and received unexpected blessings.  This boundless love fills my heart with bliss and peace.  I live in the presence of infinite love, believing each unfolding event in my life is leading me to my highest good.

My grace is sufficient for you. – 2 Corinthians 12:9

Rev. Robert sends his regrets for one of the first times in many, many years that the newsletter will not be written this week.

He has ended up with a respiratory infection and has been grounded by his doctor and family.  As the church administrator, this Sunday, I will be bringing my vision of the spiritual path forward through my involvement in ‘A Course in Miracles’, just knowing that miracles are everywhere around us and working through us constantly, as we open our hearts to receiving them.

If you could please each take just a moment and send wonderful healing blessings to Robert for a very speedy recovery… thank you.

Much love and blessings,
Rev. Maddi