It's Celebration Sunday! Time To Enjoy Each Other...

This Sunday is August 6th, and it is time to return to our Celebration Sunday format.  (The first Sunday of the Month.)  We will open our service with prayer, sing the opening song and then conduct our announcements for the week.  We then will partake in a wonderful brunch feast prepared by Chef Kathleen.  I understand that this week is a Hawaiian theme with all the wonderful trimmings.

The main reason your Board has shared and provided this 'Celebration Sunday' idea during the summer months is for us to be in dialogue with each other and get to know our community as we sit and share a meal with each other.  We really have a dynamic, generous, kindhearted and caring spiritual community that has interesting and varied stories to tell when someone asks the right question.  I can tell you that some of us have traveled extensively, some have interesting career stories and experiences, some have overcome amazing issues that you could never expect, and some are just plain loving and gentle folks that will share with you the many benefits they have had being a member in our global Unity family.

Come on out and join us.  We love you and invite you to experience the loving energy of Unity Spiritual Center Pflugerville at our Celebration Sunday Service.  By the way, come prepared to talk and eat well.

I Love you,

Rev. Robert