What is My Passion

Madelyn and I are back from our wonderful relaxing cruise to Cozumel, Belize and Roatan in the Eastern Caribbean. What a blessing and thanks to all the folks that stepped in and allowed that to happen. Randy Koehler shared his message of finding your passion on November 12 and Valerie Cary shared her message of focusing on the twelve powers of man in our search for the Christ Self in Life on November 19. Both wonderful and inspiring messages that I viewed on YOUTUBE when we returned.

I must say that their messages have motivated me to look at my own passions and why I share and talk about those passions and then, why I have chosen the path that I am on. I must say that it has really helped me to get clearer about why I do what I do and encouraged me to continue moving through the day-to-day issues of life with a smile and love in my heart. It was also helpful to be quiet, sleep, eat, and enjoy my time away from the hustle and bustle of life in Pflugerville for the week.

I am aware that there are some stories in this conversation that I need to share with our spiritual community. Just a little background in where we have been and what we are here to do which our time of contemplation has brought to the surface of consciousness.

We love you and cherish your presence. We have just finished a holiday focused on friendship, gratitude, and thanksgiving. Our fellowship with all of you who connect with our work is bonded in love and appreciation. Thank You…see you on Sunday!

I Love you...

Rev. Robert