You, Me, We, are all privileged Children of God!

This past week has been an interesting time for me and my family, I found out that I need a crown on an upper back tooth and as many of you know, this  is an expensive procedure.  We then were presented with the need for two new tires on our car because of unfixable flats and that added more to the pile of financial surprises. A few more smaller surprises were added to the pile that started me on the victim road to upset, blame and wondering why I hadn’t been born into a rich family that had the privilege of an unending supply of money. I must admit to experiencing a silent pity party because I certainly cannot share my experience with anyone, what would they think of me and what I teach?

And then, I realized that I was getting a lesson that said something like “Practice what you Preach.” Myrtle Fillmore, in her book “How to let God Help You” says that life is a school and to leave your past, present and future in God’s hands and that is the lesson we are learning. It is easy to give advice or counseling in times of trouble but how do you act when it is your life.

Jesus tells us in Luke 12; do not worry for your life, what you will eat or what you will wear….and then, Seek first the Kingdom of God (which is within you) and all these things you need will be added unto you. I might add to that list of needs, dental work and new tires on the car. Which are already handled in Divine order.

It is easy to succumb to the fears of the ego world that there is not enough and there is always that hidden problem waiting around the corner to cause me/us to struggle and suffer. But we are privileged children of God and heirs to the Kingdom is our promise. So where is my inherited privilege when I need it?

Emily Cady tells us in Lessons in Truth that it’s not there because we do not recognize God’s indwelling power and presence and turn to it in faith knowing and trusting that Divine order and Harmony are our innate birthright.

This is my journey this week, to reclaim my privilege as a child of God knowing that a change in my thoughts and beliefs back to the Father within me is my storehouse of love and abundance.

We are truly privileged children of God. Our birthright waits for us as we change our thoughts and beliefs back to the Truth that we are expressions of Divinity returning to our roots of faith trust and love.

I Love you,

Rev. Robert