You Must Now Accept Yourself as the Christ

On the Day 39 chapter of A Course of Love paragraph 39.9 Jesus tells us that “You must now accept yourself as Christ, or as the bridge of relationship between all that is individuated in union…” Which simply means that we have to accept ourselves as expressions of divinity and become aware of all the similarities that we hold with the state of grace reached by Jesus. This is the Truth that was promised in John 14:12 by Jesus when he said, “He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also.” We have forgotten who we really are and gotten lost in the conditioning of the ego mind run by the world.

We are celebrating the humble birth of Jesus, the Christ during this holiday season. Maybe it is also time to celebrate who we are as described by Jesus in his words. “You are the light of the world.” Know ye not that ye are Gods.” “You are my disciples.” “Be not afraid, all is well.”

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it is time to look for the Christ that we are. How do we bring forth the divine nature that resides within us and return to the full love, protection, and peace that is our birthright as a child of God?

Silence, prayer and meditation are the domain of Spirit. This is the still small voice that is spoken of in the scriptures. The apostle Paul also told us to “Study to show ourself approved unto God.” 2 Timothy 2:15.

Going back to the title of this article, taken from one of the closing chapters in “A Course of Love”, the first step we must take is an honest inner review and acceptance, through faith, of who we are. We are the Christ, present in the human world to spread the Truth and Love of divinity in our existing surroundings. We are here to support, encourage, and love each other as we go about our daily life. Again, now is the time to accept who we are and begin our journey back to the Father’s house. What is possible for us as we act out the lifestyle modeled by Jesus the Christ?
I Love you...

Rev. Robert