Easter Celebration is a Time of Joy and Thanksgiving

Easter Sunday is the day we celebrate the return to physical life of Jesus the Christ from the death of the grave. We also celebrate the Christ Self that we are and know that we can also overcome the symbolic death that the apostle Paul talks about in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin/error is death but the gift of God is eternal life…”

We are embroiled in the drama of the human form with challenges and issues on all sides of us. The natural human (ego) wants us to engage in every issue we encounter and judge it, wrestle with it and get mad, sad or glad about it. The emotion doesn’t matter as long as we are distracted from the True Self that we are.

It is time to resurrect the True Self that we are. Time to shake off the energies of the grave of error thought and step forth into sunshine of the Christ Self that we are and embrace the true teachings and leadership of Jesus the Christ.

At the Last Supper, Jesus asked his followers to partake of the wine and bread “in remembrance of Me.” What has transpired over the centuries, since that simple request of Jesus to follow His teachings is varied and has been adapted in many ways by many different religious organizations in different forms.

Metaphysically speaking, blood signifies the spiritual energy of life that is available to a believer and the bread signifies the substance that is available to us by prayer and meditation on the Truth. These were the basic teachings of our master teacher that he was encouraging us to follow.

This Easter Sunday, we begin the process of becoming and sustaining that Christ Self that we are. We begin with a true Spiritual Communion that leaves behind the physical forms that have accompanied this ritual for years and launch into a Spiritual Communication with the essence of God that we are. The true metaphysical symbolism of the bread and wine.

Since we are a spiritual community assembled from many different backgrounds, traditions and religions, we encourage you to follow your heart on this most sacred ritual we call Communion. We will make available the sacraments of wine and bread during our service to those members who feel more comfortable with them in the ceremonial process.

Join with us during this time of celebration and unlock the beautiful Christ Self that you are and get in touch with that loving and powerful energy that you are here to express.

We bless you and love you and look forward to your wonderful presence among us.

I Love you...

Rev. Robert